Blogging Bites #38 - Jump to Video πŸŽ₯

Blogging Bites #38


Hey there, Reader!

Like last week's newsletter, this one involves WPRM and piggybacks off of a previous newsletter! I made a recent discovery that I'm super excited to test and hear what you think!

A while back I showed how I share videos within my blog posts using WPRM (it involves a shortcode).

Then, just a few days ago I talked with someone about having a Jump to Video button at the top of my posts (in the WPRM recipe snippet). I didn't have one previously because it would take them to the recipe video all the way at the bottom of the recipe card!

However! (and I'm not sure how this didn't click in my brain earlier πŸ˜…) I thought, since I'm adding the video within the blog post using WPRM, wouldn't it jump to that video instead of the one in the recipe card??

So I tested it out, and it worked!!

If I've lost you, here's a summary/TLDR:

  1. I added my recipe video within my blog post using a WPRM shortcode.
  2. I added a Jump to Video button at the top of my post (in the WPRM recipe snippet template settings).
  3. Now, when a user clicks the Jump to Video button, it goes to the video in the middle of my blog post instead of the one in the recipe card!

Side note: If you go into your WPRM snippet template settings to add the Recipe Jump Video block and the example isn't showing the button, it's likely because your example post doesn't have a video added to it and you'll need to switch the example to a post that has a video ☺️

Now, why am I doing this?

My thought is that it'll get my users to interact with my blog post more. Since the Jump to Video takes them to the middle of my post, they're more likely to scroll and look around. Maybe this will help increase engagement and RPMs - we'll see!

Are there consequences to doing this?

Maybe! It could frustrate users since they'll have to scroll to find the recipe after jumping to the video. Also, when users start the video player, it replaces the Universal Player (the big $$ maker) with Mediavine, so this could actually end up decreasing revenue (shoutout to Emilie @burntbuttertable for bringing this to my attention!).

Regardless, I'm excited to test it out!

What are your thoughts??

Happy blogging!

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!