Blogging Bites #46 - Abundance & Affiliates

Blogging Bites #46


Hey, Reader!

How are you doing this week? I can't believe it's Thursday already!

I launched my Analytics Dashboard about a month ago and have received wonderful feedback on it so far! I wanted to create and share it to make analytics easier for you to review and understand without having to use GA4. It seems to be working! πŸ˜„

I've also received complete opposite responses from two "competitors". I won't get into the negative one, but the positive one was so inspiring I wanted to share it with you!

She saw my dashboard on Instagram and told me it looked useful and that if it fit her needs, she'd like to share it with her audience. I respect and admire this person so I was thrilled to receive this response from her!

After purchasing and using the dashboard, she said it was a really helpful tool and wanted to promote it to her audience as an affiliate! πŸŽ‰

At this point, I'm excitedly scrambling to research the best affiliate platform for this πŸ˜… I'm an affiliate for other businesses, but since I'm new to the digital product world, I've never had someone be an affiliate for MY products!

I initially thought, I can just duplicate the product in ConvertKit so she has a unique link and then track and pay her once a month. Easy!

But of course the overachiever in me kicked in and thought, no no no, Kayla, you need to find a platform that is more professional and will automate the process for you.

After an hour or two of intensive Googling and resource-checking, I found a few options that looked legit. However, the fees felt pretty hefty for a $29 digital product and even though the price will be increasing, the entire process still wasn't fully automated.

I ended up going with my initial idea. I felt like I'd wasted a big chunk of my day doing all that research, but I learned new things so not a total waste!

Anyway, she had no issues with my makeshift affiliate program (phew!) and has already sold quite a few in just a week! πŸ₯³

Now you might be thinking, okay cool, what's the point of this story? πŸ˜…

I think there are 2 big takeaways here!

1️⃣ Always approach things with an abundance mindset! Even if someone is your "competitor". There's room for all of us here and there are ways we can work together to grow each of our businesses!

2️⃣ Affiliate marketing is a great way to diversify your income! If you find someone selling a product that would be a good fit for your audience, don't be afraid to reach out and ask to be an affiliate! Or if you're selling a product, find some affiliates to help you promote it! Win, win πŸ™Œ

All that said, if you've been enjoying my dashboard and would like to become an affiliate, feel free to reach out! ☺️

Tune in! 🎧

I'm loving The Smart Influencer's "What's Working Now" episodes! In this one, Molly, Kate, and Meredith share how they're using Clariti and Airtable.

Happy blogging!

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!