Blogging Bites #33 - I made a mistake...

Blogging Bites #33


...okay I've made many ๐Ÿ˜‚ but there's a specific one I want to talk about today!

Hey, friend! ๐Ÿ‘‹

How's your week been? I got back from our trip on Monday night and have been slowing getting back into a groove! Europe was AMAZING, but 2 weeks away felt like a bit too long for me ๐Ÿ˜…

Some exciting news - I've been working on new blog design features with Skylar from Feast for the past month or so, and the changes just went live yesterday! Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think ๐Ÿค—

While chatting with Skylar, he explained something that I've been doing wrong in my posts. I wanted to share it with you in case you've been making the same mistake as me!

A while back, I started adding background colors to some of my blocks to make them stand out in posts. It looks like this:

Turns out, this is not something we should be doing! Customizing color, typography, etc. via these block settings can end up causing issues down the road. More info from Feast here.

These types of customizations are okay to do on a page level (such as your homepage, sidebar, etc.), but should not be done on a post level.

This is because as WordPress and other technical updates roll out, they can clash with these custom block settings. It's much easier to fix a handful of pages than hundreds or thousands of blog posts!

Moving forward, I'll be removing these block-specific customizations on my blog posts as I update them.

If you like these types of customizations and really want to include them in your blog, keep your eyes on Feast ๐Ÿ˜‰

Making mistakes is what entrepreneurship is all about, right? It's how we learn! And blogging is a constant learning process ๐Ÿ˜Š

Happy blogging!

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!