Blogging Bites #31 - Take care

Blogging Bites #31


Hey, Reader! How's it going?

As an entrepreneur who wears many hats in the business, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the importance of taking time off.

Our blogs and businesses are like our babies, right? And if you're like me, you tend to put energy into them every single day, whether it be a full day of active work or a few deep thoughts throughout the day.

On Monday, Chris and I left for Europe. His cousin's getting married in Poland and we decided to turn it into a 2-week vacation. We hadn't taken one just the two of us in 4 years!

Last night I realized I had gone 2 whole days without even thinking about my blog, coaching, or anything work-related - also something I hadn't done in literally years! It was so strange, but incredible.

My anxiety makes it difficult to shut my brain off most of the time. I was amazed that just 2 days of being in a new environment has allowed it some rest!

I do take breaks at home every now and then, but this trip away feels like a full reset for me. From now on, I'm making a promise to myself to take more mindful breaks, even if just at home.

With everything going on in the world and your world, make sure you take time to care for yourself. Get to know yourself and what helps you+your brain rest and when you need breaks. Most importantly, try not to feel afraid of or guilty for taking them. Taking care of yourself allows you to give more of yourself to others (and that includes your business).

Yes, writing this newsletter is technically work, but we left with the expectation of working a few hours here and there. Expectations are also key! Planning helps set expectations. But also if you feel the need to spontaneously put something off to care for yourself, that's okay! The work will still be there when you're ready.

One thing I've learned from running a business is that there are no rules. You are in control. You're the only one setting expectations for yourself. And you're the only one who really knows when you need a break.

Having control of our time is one of the reasons we're working on growing our blog as a business, right? Yes, it requires a lot of work and maintenance, but it allows us to take breaks. It's there for us even when we can't be there for it.

Happy resting!

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!