Blogging Bites #30 - Keysearch hack

Blogging Bites #30


Good morning, Reader!

Today I'm sharing one of my favorite Keysearch hacks! Keysearch is commonly used amongst food bloggers because of how powerful and inexpensive it is. It's my own personal go-to!

Have you ever ran an Organic Keywords report on your entire domain to see all the keywords you're ranking for? If so, you might've noticed that it only pulls up 1,000 keywords.

However, there is a way to find all of your keywords with this tool! It just takes a bit more time and multiple reports.

If I select Add Filters and then filter by Rank: 1 to 5, it pulls in 600 keywords...

...and then if I do that again with a filter of Rank: 6 to 10, it pulls in 579 more keywords.

If I continue on with these reports, I'm going to accumulate all of my organic keyword rankings. As I'm going, I can export all of these reports and add them to a spreadsheet so they're all in one place.

Keysearch does have a Rank Tracking tool that I also use, but it only lets me add 80 keywords at a time (unless I pay for more).

Running the Organic Keywords reports will allow me to manually track all of my keywords.

Is this more time-consuming and difficult than a tool that automatically tracks your keyword rankings for you, like Ahrefs and Semrush? Absolutely. But, it gets the job done at a much lower price.

Since it's manual, I have to go in and run these reports every so often and analyze changes myself, which can be quite time-consuming. Keysearch's rankings have been pretty accurate for me in the past, but I always like to double check with a quick Google search (especially with all the Google updates changing everything lately).

Once I can budget it in, I'll probably pay for Ahrefs or Semrush to save time, but Keysearch works for now!

Happy blogging!

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!