Blogging Bites #28 - Scoreboard ๐Ÿ†

Blogging Bites #28


Hey, Reader!

How are you doing? Google's September helpful content update has been hitting recipe blogs pretty hard ๐Ÿ˜ฌ (read Marie Haynes's insights here). The good news is that it's finally done rolling out! I'll keep sharing any helpful resources I find on my Instagram stories.

On that note, today I want to bring out the positives and show you how awesome you are!!

I'm going to share with you an exercise that will lift you up when you're feeling down! It's a concept that I heard about from Patrick Campbell in this podcast.

I want you to grab a notepad or open up your Notes app/Notion/whatever tool you like, and create a scoreboard. Make a column for your Wins and another for your Losses.

Now think about everything you've accomplished and failed at (big and little!) since starting your blog. Write them down in their corresponding column.
โ€‹Bonus step: also write down what you learned from the experience.

Next time you're feeling down, bring up your scoreboard and look at all the things you've accomplished!! ๐ŸŽ‰

Look at it again if you're ever feeling overconfident - it'll help bring you back down to Earth ๐Ÿ˜‰


On a personal note: one thing I've recently added to my own Wins is going on a podcast! Megan Porta graciously hosted me on Eat Blog Talk a few weeks ago and it went live today! Was I nervous as heck to do it? Extremely. Did I think I did a good job? Absolutely not ๐Ÿ˜‚ But, I finally did it! And now the next one will be less scary...and maybe I'll even be good at talking on podcasts someday ๐Ÿ˜…

Do the things that scare you and make you uncomfortable, strive for imperfection, and watch how much you'll grow!

Happy blogging!

P.S. There are only a few spots left in our group coaching program starting in January! Make sure you get your application in if you'd like to join us ๐Ÿ˜Š

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!